Senora Witko's third-graders had a "Fiesta de las Frutas," (Celebration of Fruits) this week. Students brought in a variety of fruits, many from central and South America to sample and discuss. All left class with new tastes and appreciation for different fruits! #lionspride
about 5 years ago, Hilltop School
Fiesta de las frutas
Fiesta de las frutas
Fiesta de las frutas
Fiesta de las frutas
Hilltop's kindergarteners have learned about coins, their worth and how to count money. Today they applied that knowledge in a real word experience by visiting the Mendham Creamery to buy ice cream. Thank you to the Creamery for their support of our learning! #hilltopschool
about 5 years ago, Hilltop School
Buying Ice cream
Visiting the Mendham Creamery
Visiting the Mendham Creamery
Visiting the Mendham Creamery
Hilltop School celebrated its final character education pillar today - RESPONSIBILITY. Our 4th graders shared what responsibility means to them, and how many jobs in the school and out have different responsibilities. We welcomed two Mountain View students to share as well!
about 5 years ago, Hilltop School
WSMM Presenters
MV Presenters
Congratulations to Mrs. Leigh Carpenter for being this month's recipient of the Order of the Lion Award. Thank you for being an inspiration and helping our students love and play music.
about 5 years ago, District
Mrs. Carpenter Teacher "Grammy" Award
The Mendham Borough Board of Education recognized Mr. Wayne LeBlond for reaching his milestone 15 years of service as a crossing guard and look forward to his continued service to the school community. Thank you Mr. LeBlond.
about 5 years ago, District
Mr. Wayne LeBlond Recognition
Fifth graders prepared for their upcoming field trip to Beuhler Science Center by making a comet using dirt, corn syrup, dry ice, and ammonia to represent dust, organic substances, frozen water, and frozen gases. #mendhamborosd #mountainview #lionspride
about 5 years ago, Mountain View MS
Mrs. DelGrande's class had a blast practicing our moustache measuring using an actual ruler instead of a nonstandard unit of measure like a paper clip! Student designed their own moustaches and were exact in their measurements. #hilltopschool #lionspride
about 5 years ago, Hilltop School
Moustache measurement
Moustache measurement
Moustache measurement
Mountain View's student mentors led "Learning Stations" during last night's 5th grade Parent Orientation. Topics such as organization, Advisory, and Related Arts gave parents a glimpse at a day in the life of a middle school student. #mountainview #mendhamborosd #lionspride
about 5 years ago, Mountain View MS
4th PO
4th PO
4th PO
4th PO
#sidewalkmath is a way to engage students in problem-solving and involve the community in Math. Check out the work of Miss Huang's 7th graders on Mountain View's front circle and the back patio! #mountainview #mendhamborosd #loinspride
about 5 years ago, Mountain View MS
Mountain View's Junior Solar Sprints team, advised by Mr. Jorgensen, competed today in the annual race at Great Meadows Middle School. The team came in first in one of their heats, making it through five of the eight rounds. Congrats! #mendhamborosd #mountainview #lionspride
about 5 years ago, Mountain View MS
Several members of the Mountain View Junior Solar Sprints team preparing for Monday's race. #mendhamborosd #mountainview #lionspride
about 5 years ago, Mountain View MS
The Green Team Committee from our HSA recently came in to educate our students on the ways they can help keep the Earth clean by reducing the amount of plastic waste they create. Students decorated their own reuseable bag as part of the Earth Day celebration! #Hilltopschool
about 5 years ago, Hilltop School
Reusable bag
Students' pledges to help reduce plastic waste
Reusable bag
Reusable bags
Mrs. Clark's 7th grade scientists dissecting and modeling to help answer the question, "How does knowing the structure of a flower and pollenation help explain genetics?" #mendhamborosd #lionspride #mountainview
about 5 years ago, Mountain View MS
7 Sci
Principals Mr. Heller and Mrs. Toth kicked off Teacher Appreciation Week by having @KONAICE stop by their Faculty Meetings for a sweet treat after school today. Celebrate your child's teacher with a handmade note or card expressing your appreciation! #lionspride
about 5 years ago, Hilltop School
Kona Ice
Pick your flavor!
Several Mountain View mentors walked to Hilltop today to help our outgoing 4th graders better understand what life is like at the middle school. The mentors spoke about varied topics and answered questions about what students can expect next year. #lionspride
about 5 years ago, Hilltop School
Mountain View Mentors
What is EEE?
Advisory helps you grow as a person.
Mountain View has many clubs to choose from
Congratulations to Clara Schreibman, recipient of the Morris County Superintendent's Middle School Leadership Award. The award is presented annually to a student who embodies citizenship, leadership, and community. Well deserved! #mendhamborosd #mountainview #lionspride
about 5 years ago, Mountain View MS
Hilltop 4th graders recently taught their 2nd grade buddy class about symmetry. The 2nd graders were able to test the "mirror image" concept out by folding cutout letters and shapes in half, with guidance from their 4th grade buddy, to find lines of symmetry. #hilltopschool
about 5 years ago, Hilltop School
Pattern Blocks
Buddy Class Symmetry!
Pattern Block Symmetry
Symmetry in action!
Thanks to the Mendham Borough HSA and @NumberDrummer for an interactive and educational program. Music and math = fun! #mendhamborosd #mountainview #lionspride
about 5 years ago, Mountain View MS
Ms. Stiner's 7th grade Language Arts students engage in a Socratic Seminar discussion about "The Veldt," a science fiction story by Ray Bradbury. #mendhamborosd #mountainview #lionspride
about 5 years ago, Mountain View MS
Mr. Jorgensen and his 6th grade Industrial Arts students blasting off water bottle rockets to test the optimal amount of water needed to achieve maximum height. #mendhamborosd #mountainview #lionspride
over 5 years ago, Mountain View MS